Friday, April 18, 2014

Hantsu X Trash Ch.46 No response...

Here's Ch.46.
Translator: cedr777
  Typesetter: cedr777
Cleaner: cedr777
Redrawer: cedr777
this donor supported release is brought to you by: anonymous


  1. hye admin. can i give suggestion? can u change the file server u using right now? mediafire,depositfile or mega or something else. just terrible. i cannot download from it using idm and it take time to download with such limited speed. i will be happy to download from your site if u using better file server.

    1. i agree with u, that one the reason i read on another website.

    2. or maybe after you post on batoto you can add the link to read online on batoto.

  2. wow. thank you again for your work. read you ...

  3. Me too. It comes out blank after the timer.

    1. uploaded captcha seems to be having issues, try to dl at a latter time.

  4. thank you very much for your work!!!

  5. 2 things.

    1. Both Adfly and Uploaded have an appstore hijack on iOS devices, making it a massive pain to download directly to my ipad which is what I read on primarily. Yes I can download to my PC and sync from there but that is just a wasted step vs a direct download.

    2. Uploaded is awful in that you have to wait for long periods even with such smaller downloads.

    While I normally always use scanlator sites, I simply can't abide in this case. Scanlators wonder why so many flock to trash online readers and in this case, it could EASILY be because you have made it easier to read pretty much anywhere other than your own site. Only further compounded by meaningless wait times on uploads to Batoto.

    While I appreciate your scanlation efforts, I can't help but let you know that you're more or less shooting yourself in the foot while also pushing those less patient toward online readers with no qualms about uploading any content they please.

    At the time of this writing, for instance, Mangahere already has up to ch.46. Whereas here I am stuck waiting for pointless wait times on Uploaded. Those of us like myself who would prefer to use your site are stuck with these long waits while those who are simply ignorant or don't give a damn just head over to an online reader rather than wait hours between chapter downloads.

    I'm sure you can see the quandary here.

    1. Alright I realize your point, i didn't realize that by using only one mirror; uploaded and having a long delay policy was also disadvantageous to the readers and since other agreggator sites weren't following it anyway, I was also limiting the scanlation, also seeing the HxT page in mangahere and scrolling down to see the comments made me realize something.

      I will remove the delay policy in Batoto and upload another depositfiles mirror, hows that sound?

    2. I think those simple steps would be extremely beneficial to both you and your readers. I doubt I'm alone in my preference of downloading directly from the scanlator's site and ignoring any middle sites. Batoto is great for those who don't want to download manga. As unfortunate as it is, mangahere/fox/etc simply don't care and will throw up your scanlations onto their site at the first opportunity.

      The best way to combat these sites is to make it just as easy to read via download/batoto and just add a little blurb on your notes page about "view in full quality here: 777/batoto/etc". It won't convince everyone to give up on their crappy ereader sites, but it will pull in (and more importantly, educate) some. Unfortunately many people who read manga are simply ignorant of who scanlates it, same way so many idiots think Horriblesubs is actually a translation group.

      I'd also suggest Mediafire and Mega as both allow for decent download speeds, work great across all devices, and don't implement waiting periods.

      Really glad to see you open to some suggestions, as you're doing a great job on this project and I look forward to every release. Just been out of country for a few weeks and realized how daunting it was to have a wait time between each chapter download. Will make it remarkably easier for people like me who archive the highest quality releases we can get.

      Keep up the great work, you picked a good manga, I look forward to every new chapter.

  6. Great work guys!
